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Firstly by building HELP centers in the lowest class neighborhoods, uplifting the country from its boots, with hopes at ending poverty and homelessness as a stepping stone to a significantly larger goal. A goal of eventually totally ending the lower class poverty rating in America. A goal of raising all people from underneath the oppressive poverty line, transforming citizenship in America to one in which you are truly incapable of falling below a medial class standard of living. We think this goal is easily attainable, through comprehensive programs, and the gathered unity of the patrons of the poverty stricken and lower middle classes. For this reason many start up programs will be based and directly allocated toward homeless families, and low income communities. These two societal ratings are amongst the poorest and least helped. Leaving room for the most suffering and criminally victimized citizens to be given a way out. The homeless rating in Washington DC, is amongst the highest in the country, as well as low income residents. We believe this is the reason that more criminally minded patrons are groomed here, giving us since the 1960’s one of the highest crime ratings in America. In order to sway the minds of the youth and adults of these regions we must offer them options that are better than the criminally invested ways of those that are currently leading them. One cannot simply tell another to do better, one must show thee other how doing better is possible. Many low income families receive government subsidies but are still well below the poverty line, this is due to low paying jobs,  the inability to work caused by lack of childcare, or motivation to seek employment because subsidies will be cut. One whom knows not of the struggle of these families would perceive this to be laziness, which is usually not the truth. An average single parent home with two children receiving no subsidies living on a minimum wage 40 hour a week job, would just barely make rent in Washington DC. Leaving them with no way to feed their household, and giving them extra bills because they are now considered a fulltime employee, for example they’d also be forced to pay for their children’s school lunch, not to mention uniforms for school, breakfast , and college tuition without the help of the government.  Something that is impossible with under $1,500 a month in a city where the average rent is $1,707 for a one bedroom apartment. With these outstanding numbers no wonder DC is amongst the highest for homelessness with the count at 12,000 in January, in accordance to the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments head count,  a number said to be an understate of the true amount, a raise of about 3.5% from the previous year with women and children being the bulk of these homeless persons. Washington, DC, is also known to host one of the highest percentages of homeless veterans, yet they have elected to end programs based on housing for said veterans,  due to an inability to reach them. For us all these issues come down to a few basic ones, the lack of HELP and availability to receive or give said help to the patrons of our city who really need it. This inability is most often caused by the rift between the helpers and those whom need the help, due to the lack of centralized location bases and the inability to reach those whom most need the services.


This is where we come in, we want to be the center point for all help based organizations in the district, to make sure all are able to receive the help they need in a timely fashion, without the need to  run all around the city looking for it. Our Programs will focus on this commitment, we will explore humanitarian efforts of all local communal organizations in order to better process the help offered. We will also do outreach programs that allow for continual communication with those persons whom need our help the most. Larger organizations lose their rooting due to high cost of operation’s, preceded  by larger spending budgets, missing the mark of the smaller communal base that they’re supposedly organized to serve. We plan to stop this, and to make sure the programs and contributions are put back where they belong, in the hand of those whom need the Help most. This along with other programs created by us to advance the condition of humanity to an elevated stature of involvement, we will accomplish our goal, and end homelessness and the lower level societal rankings.

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